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What is Hypntherapy?

What is Hypnobirthing?

Hypnosis is a completely natural state when your mind is open and receptive to positive suggestions. It allows you to reframe beliefs, change patterns and let go of fears surrounding childbirth to allow you to feel excited and calm about your forthcoming birth.


The use of relaxation, effective breathing, visualisations and affirmations are some of the tools and techniques you can learn to allow your self confidence to grow ready for the day your baby arrives. It simply allows you to believe and trust in your body's ability to birth instinctively and effectively for a calm, empowering and comfortable experience.




The Natal Hypnotherapy course is split over 2 sessions

Day 1: Natural pain relief

Day 2: Practical birth preparation


It covers everything from hopes and fears, the impact of fear on birth, perspectives on birth, practical comfort measures, breathing techniques, relaxation techniques, working with the medical team, your partners role, birth physiology and much more besides. There are several hypnosis or relaxation sessions over the 2 day course to help you understand what it is really about, as well as various opportunities for you to personalise your preparation so it really works for you.


Here are some of the reported benefits of hypnobirthing...

  • Shorter labours

  • Less reported pain

  • Less medication

  • More frequent spontaneous delivery

  • Less fear, more trust

  • Reduced incidences of post natal depression

  • Better prepared and informed birth partners

  • Calmer babies

  • Easier feeding and better sleeping



Course Costs

The total cost of the course is £250.

This will include an ebook about effective birth preparation and various tracks to download such as relaxing birth music, labour companion tracks, and a track specifically for your birth partner.




When should I do a course?

Ideally, between 20 -28 weeks, but if you are further along in your pregnancy and you would like to use these techniques then that is fine. You will still get lots of benefits and it is not too late.


Does it really work?

Yes! There have been lots studies into Hypnotherapy and its use in childbirth, and the results are very positive and encouraging.


Is hypnosis safe?

It is completely safe. Hypnosis is a natural state - you are not under the 'control' of anybody else and you can't get 'stuck' in it.






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